Next service: Sunday, 8:15am

Sunday School

We have year round Sunday school for all ages using material which is Biblically based, engaging and uplifting. Christian Education hour takes place each Sunday at around 9:40am, including four adult classes with a variety of ways of conveying the Word of God in supportive fellowship.

For Adults

The God Connection

A topic based Bible Study and discussion class which meets in the Pastor’s office.

Parents of Faith

Prayer and Bible study of relevant topics for parents as they raise their children in the faith – this class meets on the stage and is nurtured by a very supportive attitude.

ILT class

Join us in the Sunday school wing as each week we partake of great on-line course offerings from the Institute of Lutheran Theology. Through lecture, lively discussion and prayer we explore the deeper significance of the faith, guided by some of the best minds in Lutheran Christian thought.

Concordia study

Works through various books of the Bible- this class meets in the parlor.

Faith building for youth and children

Senior High (grades 10-12)

Fellowship and Bible Study relevant to teens and their interests and trials.


Confirmation Classes for grades 7-9 meets in the Conference room – parents are invited to attend with the students as we learn and grow together!

Pre K through 6th grades

Study the Old Testament lessons of Joseph and Moses.


For our youngest little angels – Bible story lesson, songs, and snacks!