Sun | Mon | Tues | Wed | Thurs | Fri | Sat |
1 New Years Day Office Closed | 2 Pastors’ Pericope Study9:30am Bell Rehearsal6:30pm Girl Scouts (FH)6:30pm Choir Rehearsal7:30pm | 3 Hilltop AA7:00pm | 4 | |||
5 Worship Service8:15am Faith Builders9:40am Worship Service10:45am | 6 Veteran Walk Comm. Mtg6:00pm Christian Ed Mtg7:00pm | 7 Youth&Family Mtg6:00pm Girls Scouts6:30pm Mutual Min. Mtg6:30pm Hilltop AA7:00pm | 8 Bible Study10:00am Pickleball6:00pm Worship & Music Mtg7:00pm | 9 Bell Rehearsal6:30pm Choir Rehearsal7:30pm | 10 Hilltop AA7:00pm | 11 Men of Faith8:00am |
12 Installation of Deacons & Council Worship Service8:15am Faith Builders9:40am Worship Service10:45am | 13 Finance Mtg7:00pm | 14 Quilters Group / Outreach Mtg9:00am Harvest of Hope4:00pm GS/Orient.Council6:30pm ChurchCouncil Mtg7:00pm Hilltop AA7:00pm | 15 Newsletter deadline Bible Study10:00am Women of the Word1:00pm Pickleball6:00pm | 16 Bell Rehearsal6:30pm Choir Rehearsal7:30pm | 17 CYC No School Our Daily Bread Items Due9:00am Book Club10:00am Hilltop AA7:00pm | 18 |
19 Worship Service8:15am Faith Builders9:40am Worship Service10:45am Congregational Mtg12:00pm | 20 CYC No School Social Ministry9:00am Stewardship Mtg7:00pm | 21 Girls Scouts6:30pm Hilltop AA7:00pm | 22 CYC Chapel9:15am Bible Study10:00am Pickleball6:00pm | 23 Bell Rehearsal6:30pm Choir Rehearsal7:30pm | 24 March for Life, Washington DC Hilltop AA7:00pm | 25 |
26 Worship Service8:15am Faith Builders9:40am Worship Service10:45am | 27 NALC Pastors’ Convocation8:00am Worship at Kingston Court2:00pm | 28 Girls Scouts6:30pm Hilltop AA7:00pm | 29 Bible Study10:00am Pickleball6:00pm | 30 Bell Rehearsal6:30pm Choir Rehearsal7:30pm | 31 Hilltop AA7:00pm |